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Park Hill Junior School

Outdoor Learning

Our ision

Every child has a curious mind and at PHJS we strive to make learning happen outdoors as much as it happens inside the classroom. Outdoor time often provides the most memorable learning experiences and helps children develop a sense of imagination and creativity through exploration, play and adventure. All this helps them make sense of the world around them. 

Outdoor learning enhances problem-solving skills, team work, resilience, gets children physically active, increases higher levels of concentration, self-discipline and experimental and contextual learning.

We are extremely lucky to have large grounds and be surrounded by an environment rich in opportunities that we can exploit to enhance children’s learning. Our cross-curriculum has a series of well-planned links to quality outdoor experiences. Opportunities for outdoor learning exist in Maths, science, art, music, English, reading, geography, history, PE and many playtimes. Our outdoor learning experiences provide relevance and depth to the curriculum in many ways and are often looked forward to and remembered for a lifetime.

Our curriculum

Link to outdoor learning websites