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Park Hill Junior School


Our vision


The main aim of students learning art and design at Park Hill is so that they can take the skills that they learn into every area of their future. 

Knowing and understanding the design process, technical skills and enjoyment of creative expression are key focuses.

We believe that all children should have:

  • An understanding of the design and creation process.
  • Be able to see links to the topics that they are learning. 
  • Enjoy the creative process in all areas, so that curiosity can be fostered. 
  • Learn practical skills and techniques that can be applied to a range of situations. 
  • A range of learning strategies: working both collaboratively and independently.
  • Learn resilience and adaptability in projects where the plans need to be adjusted.
  • The ability to research and make links to technological advancements throughout history. 
  • Independent learners who take responsibility for their own learning.


Link to art websites
